Minor Basic Instrument Set
Cozy Care Giver produces Minor Basic Instrument Sets. These standard sets contain the instruments most generally operated for the designated procedure. More instruments may be needed for your respective use.
Instrument Set Contents
Quantity | Name | Description | Size |
1 | Scalpel Handle | #3 | ….. |
2 | Scalpel Handles | #4 | ….. |
2 | Yankauer Suction Tube | ….. | ….. |
1 | Mayo Dissecting Scissor | Straight | 5 1/2″ |
1 | Mayo Dissecting Scissor | Curved | 6 3/4″ |
6 | Halsted Mosquito Forceps | Straight | 5″ |
6 | Halsted Mosquito Forceps | Curved | 5" |
12 | Crile Forceps | Straight | 5 1/2″ |
12 | Crile Forceps | Curved | 5 1/2″ |
2 | Dressing Forceps | Serrated | 5 1/2″ |
1 | Dressing Forcep | Serrated | 8″ |
3 | Tissue Forceps | 1×2 | 5 1/2″ |
2 | Mayo Hegar Nh | Serrated Tc | 6″ |
2 | Operating Scissors | Straight Sharp/Blunt | 5 1/2″ |
2 | Probes | Double Ended | 6″ |
3 | Allis Tissue Forceps | 4×5 | 6″ |
2 | Adson Brown Tissue Forceps | Sd Grasp | 4 3/4″ |
12 | Towel Clamps | Backhaus | 5 1/4″ |
1 | Frazier Suction Tube | 8fr | ….. |
2 | Goelet Retractors | Delicate | 1 1/4″ x 1 1/2″ x 7 1/2″ |
2 | Retractors Sets | 2 Delicate | 8 1/4″ |
2 | Zalkind Ribbon Retractors | ….. | 3/4″ x 7.75″ |
2 | Senn Retractors | Sharp Delicate | 6″ |
2 | Senn Retractors | Blunt Delicate | 6″ |
2 | Metzenbaum Scissors | Curved | 7″ |
2 | Foerster Sponge | Curved Serrated | 9 1/2″ |
2 | Foerster Sponge | Straight Serrated | 9 1/2″ |