Humerus Surgical Instrument Set

Cozy Care Giver produces Humerus Surgical Instrument Sets. These standard sets contain the instruments most generally operated for the designated procedure. More instruments may be needed for your respective use.

Instrument Set Contents

1BoxStainless Steel30cm x 20cm x 12cm
2Kirschner Wire…..20/10cm x 20cm
1Redon AleneCh 9 Curved/Diameter 3mm…..
1Dissection ForcepsS/G Straight14cm
1Dissection ForcepsS/G Straight20cm
1Mayo ScissorsPair Of Curved16cm
1Mayo ScissorsPair of Straight16cm
1Metzenbaum ScissorsPair Of Straight18cm
1Mayo Needle HolderStraight18cm
2Kelly ForcepsStraight14cm
2Musous Forceps7mm x 5mm24cm
4Leriche ForcepsCurved A/G15cm
4Leriche ForcepsCurved S/G15cm
2Kocher ForcepsStraight14cm
2Allis Forceps…..15cm
1Bone HookLambotte26cm
1ForcepsBeyer Gouge…..
4Joints…..18cm x 3.5mm
1PliersStille Cutting…..
1Stille Chisel…..21cm x 10mm
1Stille Chisel…..21cm x 15mm
1Stille Chisel…..21cm x 20mm
1Pear TreeGouge16cm x 6mm
1Spindle Cutting PliersUniversal…..
4Art Tungsten LateralCut…..
1PliersLambotte Roasting21cm x 10mm
1PliersStraight Weatherbeering Roasting15cm x 8mm
1PliersCurved Roasting15cm x 8 mm
1Square Tip…..18cm x 3mm
1Deans Mallet500/Gr…..
1Bone CuretteHead Wolkmann17cm x  6mm
1Bone CuretteWolkmann17cm x  8mm
1Gillies Hook…..18cm
1Graft RemovalDouble.......
1Yankauer Cannulas…..27cm
1Foerster ForcepsStraight24cm
1Pean Forceps…..16cm
1CupDiameter 100mm......