Thoracotomy Surgical Instrument Set
Cozy Care Giver produces Thoracotomy Surgical Instrument Sets. These standard sets contain the instruments most generally operated for the designated procedure. More instruments may be needed for your respective use.
Instrument Set Contents
Quantity | Name | Description | Size |
6 | Halsted Mosquito Forceps | Curved | 5″ |
6 | Crile Forceps | Curved | 5 1/2″ |
4 | Crile Forceps | Straight | 5 1/2″ |
6 | Roch Pean Forceps | Curved | 6 1/4″ |
4 | Roch Pean Forceps | Curved | 8″ |
4 | Allis Tissue Forceps | 4×5 | 6″ |
2 | Allis Tissue Forceps | 5×6 | 7 1/2″ |
2 | Babcock Forceps | ….. | 8″ |
2 | Roch Osch Forceps | Straight 1×2 | 6 1/4″ |
2 | Schnidt Tons Forceps | Half Curved | 7 1/2″ |
2 | Lawrence Forceps | Curved Serrated | 10 3/4″ |
2 | Mixter Forceps | Right Angle | 9 1/4″ |
2 | Gemini Forceps | Delicate Right Angle | 11″ |
1 | Mayo Hegar Needle Holder | Serrated Tc | 10 1/2″ |
2 | Towel Clamps | Lorna Edna | 5 1/4″ |
2 | Towel Clamps | Backhaus | 5 1/4″ |
2 | Scalpel Handles | #3 | ….. |
1 | Scalpel Handle | #7 | ….. |
1 | Scalpel Handle | #3L | ….. |
2 | Dressing Forceps | Serrated | 6″ |
1 | Mayo Hegar Needle Holder | Serrated Tc | 7″ |
1 | Mayo Hegar Needle Holder | Serrated Tc | 8″ |
2 | Mayo Dissecting Scissors″ | Curved Tc | 6 3/4" |
1 | Metz Stand Scissor | Curved Tc | 7″ |
2 | Metz Stand Nelson | Curved Tc | 9″ |
1 | Metz Stand Nelson | Curved Tc | 11″ |
1 | Mayo Dissecting Scissor | Straight Tc | 6 3/4″ |
2 | Debakey Atrau Tangentl Forceps | ….. | 10″ |
1 | Duval Lung Forcep | 1″Jaw | 9 1/2″ |
4 | Foerster Sponge | Serrated Straight | 9 1/2″ |
2 | Tissue Forceps | 1×2 | 6″ |
2 | Dressing Forceps | Serrated | 8″ |
2 | Debakey Atra Forceps | Straight 2mm | 9 1/2″ |
2 | Potts Smith Dressing Forceps | Serrated | 10″ |
2 | Tissue Forceps | Russian | 8″ |
2 | Adson Forceps | 1×2 | 4 3/4″ |
1 | Retractor Set/2 | Delicate | 8 1/4″ |
2 | Cushing Retractors | Nerve/Vein | 9″ |
2 | Richardson Retractors | With Grip Handle | Small |
2 | Richardson Retractors | Appendectomy | ….. |
2 | Kelly Retractors | ….. | 9.5″ x 2″ x 2.5″ |
1 | Balfour Abdom Retractor | Fenstr Blunt | 10″ |
1 | Zalkind Retractor | Malleable | 2″ x 13″ |
1 | Zalkind Ribbon Retractor | ….. | 1 1/2″ x 13″ |