Thoracotomy Surgical Instrument Set

Cozy Care Giver produces Thoracotomy Surgical Instrument Sets. These standard sets contain the instruments most generally operated for the designated procedure. More instruments may be needed for your respective use.

Instrument Set Contents

6Halsted Mosquito ForcepsCurved5″
6Crile ForcepsCurved5 1/2″
4Crile ForcepsStraight5 1/2″
6Roch Pean ForcepsCurved6 1/4″
4Roch Pean ForcepsCurved8″
4Allis Tissue Forceps4×56″
2Allis Tissue Forceps5×67 1/2″
2Babcock Forceps…..8″
2Roch Osch ForcepsStraight 1×26 1/4″
2Schnidt Tons ForcepsHalf Curved7 1/2″
2Lawrence ForcepsCurved Serrated10 3/4″
2Mixter ForcepsRight Angle9 1/4″
2Gemini ForcepsDelicate Right Angle11″
1Mayo Hegar Needle HolderSerrated Tc10 1/2″
2Towel ClampsLorna Edna5 1/4″
2Towel ClampsBackhaus5 1/4″
2Scalpel Handles#3…..
1Scalpel Handle#7…..
1Scalpel Handle#3L…..
2Dressing ForcepsSerrated6″
1Mayo Hegar Needle HolderSerrated Tc7″
1Mayo Hegar Needle HolderSerrated Tc8″
2Mayo Dissecting Scissors″Curved Tc6 3/4"
1Metz Stand ScissorCurved Tc7″
2Metz Stand NelsonCurved Tc9″
1Metz Stand NelsonCurved Tc11″
1Mayo Dissecting ScissorStraight Tc6 3/4″
2Debakey Atrau Tangentl Forceps…..10″
1Duval Lung Forcep1″Jaw9 1/2″
4Foerster SpongeSerrated Straight9 1/2″
2Tissue Forceps1×26″
2Dressing ForcepsSerrated8″
2Debakey Atra ForcepsStraight 2mm9 1/2″
2Potts Smith Dressing ForcepsSerrated10″
2Tissue ForcepsRussian8″
2Adson Forceps1×24 3/4″
1Retractor Set/2Delicate8 1/4″
2Cushing RetractorsNerve/Vein9″
2Richardson RetractorsWith Grip HandleSmall
2Richardson RetractorsAppendectomy…..
2Kelly Retractors…..9.5″ x 2″ x 2.5″
1Balfour Abdom RetractorFenstr Blunt10″
1Zalkind RetractorMalleable2″ x 13″
1Zalkind Ribbon Retractor …..1 1/2″ x 13″