Composition of Prostate Surgery Set
Cozy Care Giver Instrument International produces Composition Of Prostate Surgery Sets. These standard sets contain the instruments most generally operated for the designated procedure. More instruments may be needed for your respective use.
Instrument Set Contents
Quantity | Name | Description | Size |
1 | Beak Cup | Stainless Steel Din. | 165 ml |
1 | Beak Cup | Inex Dia. 120mm | 500 ml |
1 | Bowl | Stainless Steel | 40cm x 20cm x 9cm |
1 | Metzembaum Scissor | Curved | 20cm |
1 | Metzembaum Scissor | Curved | 22cm |
1 | Blunt Scissor | Straight | 16cm |
1 | Farabeuf Retractor | The Pair | 15cm x 16mm |
1 | Judd Masson Ear Piece | With Median Valve | ......... |
1 | Malleable Blade | .......... | 33cm x 50cm x 25cm |
6 | Kocher Forceps | Straight With Claws | 14cm |
1 | Dressing Forcep | Ionguette Straight | 24cm |
2 | Allis Forceps | .............. | 15cm |
6 | Drape Forceps | ............ | 14cm |
2 | Chaput Forceps | ............. | 13cm |
1 | Jean Louis Faure Forceps | Curved With Claws | 22cm |
6 | Leriche Pliers | Straight With Claws | 15cm |
6 | Leriche Forceps | Curved With Claws | 15cm |
1 | Dissecting Forceps | With Claws | 20cm |
1 | Dissecting Forceps | With Claws /Fine | 20cm |
1 | Heart Clip | ............ | 16cm |
2 | Mayo Heger Needle Holder | ........... | 20cm |
5 | Mayo Heger Needle Holder | ............... | 16cm |
1 | Mayo Heger Needle Holder | Straight | 18cm |