Abdominoplasty Surgical Instrument Set

Cozy Care Giver  produces Abdominoplasty Surgical Instrument Sets. These standard sets contain the instruments most generally operated for the designated procedure. More instruments may be needed for your respective use.

Instrument Set Contents

2Ballenger Sponge ForcepsStraight Serrated7″
6Backhaus Towel Clamps…..4-1/2″
2Scalpel Handles#3…..
2Ragnell ScissorsCurved Flat Tips4-3/4″
1Iris ScissorStraight Sharp/Sharp4-1/2″
1Iris ScissorCurved Sharp/Sharp4-1/2″
2Operating ScissorsStraight Sharp/Blunt5-1/2″
2Metzenbaum ScissorsDelicate Curved6″
2Adson Tissue Forceps1×2 Teeth4-3/4″
2Adson Ewald Dressing ForcepsSerrated4-3/4″
1Macindoe Dissection Forcep150 MM…..
1Gillies Forcep1×2 Teeth Serrated6″
4Halsted Mosquito ForcepsStraight5″
4Halsted Mosquito ForcepsCurved5″
6Rochester-Ochsner ForcepsStraight 1×2 Teeth6-1/4″
2Baby Mixter ScissorsCurved Partial Serrations7″
2Halsey Needle HoldersSmooth5″
1Crile-Wood Needle HolderNarrow Jaws6″
1Crile-Wood Needle HolderNarrow Jaws6″
2Langenbeck RetractorsSmall 3/8″ x 1 1/8″ Blade9″
2Gillies HooksSmall 3mm7″
2Langenbeck RetractorsLarge 5/8″ x 1 1/4″ Blade9″
2Miller-Senn RetractorsDouble End Sharp Solid End 5mm x 18mm6″
1Alm Self-Retaining Retractor4×4 Teeth Blunt2-3/4″
1Freer ElevatorDouble End Sharp/Blunt 5mm Wide7"
1Bruns Bone CuretteOval #006-3/4″
3Iodine Cups14 oz.4-3/8″ x 2-5/8″
1Metzenbaum-Nelson Dissecting ScissorCurved8″
1Tissue Forcep1×2 Teeth5-1/2″
1Tissue Forcep1×2 Teeth8″
1DeBakey Atraumatic Tissue Forcep3.5mm Jaw Straight7-3/4″
4Rochester-Pean ForcepsStraight6-1/4″
4Rochester-Ochsner ForcepsStraight 1×2 Teeth6-1/4″
2Overholt ForcepsSmall Jaw8-1/4″
2Overholt ForcepsMedium Jaw8-1/4″
1Mayo-Hegar Needle Holder…..8″
1Lahey Traction Forcep…..8″
1Roux RetractorDouble End Large6-3/4″
2Fritsch Retractors45x75mm9-1/2″
2Volkman RetractorsSix Prong Blunt8-1/2″